We welcome new members. All are offered a straightforward audition, usually consisting of a prepared piece, some aural tests, and some sight-singing. The latter need not be to a first-class standard – although, of course, that helps. Auditions are normally held three times a year, at the start of each term (January, May, September), but prospective members can enquire at any time.

Our aim is that every singer should play a significant part in the blended whole, so that the group is exceptionally sensitive to the moods both of individual singers and the conductor. We also keep numbers limited; thus the choir’s characteristic chamber sound is maintained.

Rehearsals take place every Thursday from 8pm-10pm, usually at Holy Rood church, Abingdon Road, Oxford. We usually give three concerts a year, and also have a variable number of special engagements for conferences, weddings etc. Subscription payable is currently £60 per term, with reductions for some categories.

It’s always worth asking, so feel free to contact us if you would like to know more.