Saturday 6 July 2019
Saturday July 6th 7.30pm
St Margaret’s Church, Oxford
James Brown - director
Tim Wakerell - organ
St Augustine of Hippo (354-430) was one of the first to define a hymn as a song of praise, and it is a definition that holds true over the many subsequent centuries up to the present day.
With such a rich repertoire of hymns from which to choose, the Cherwell Singers has this term decided to pick a choral arrangement of each example from each of the more important trends in hymnody which reflect the political, religious and sociological changes since the very earliest examples. From Latin plainsong to the Reformation, from Methodism and the Evangelical revivals of the nineteenth century up to contemporary works, this concert explores the riches of hymn arrangements for choirs such as ours, and causes us to reflect on the riches of this particular genre. Hymns of course find their most natural home in the parish church, and we have chosen to present this concert in just such a setting at St. Margaret’s Church, Oxford. With organist Timothy Wakerell, we shall trace the history of hymnody from earliest times to the present day, and invite you to join us in hearing familiar melodies in sometimes surprising and unusual arrangements.